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The Solano Challenger Pro Tennis Tournament, one of a mere three professional tennis tournaments to take place in the Bay Area, brings Pro players from one of the world's most popular sports right to our backyard. It has brought many of today's world-class players whose names have later become known throughout

As cited in CNN, "In the past year, the number of sponsorships jumped 41% and the number of brands advertising in tennis soared 40%, according to SponsorUnited, a sports and entertainment research platform, growing faster than many other sports including MLB, MLS and the NBA."

The Solano Challenger relies heavily on the support of the community at large, particularly the tennis community. This support comes in the form of in-kind donations, local volunteers, and financial contributions large and small.  We sincerely appreciate the generous support of our many contributors who dedicate their time, resources, talent, and funds to make this the Solano Challenger successful each year.

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